Year: 2021

How Many Backlinks Are Needed To Be Well-Positioned?

Since Google’s algorithm has become much more sophisticated over the years, the amount of backlinks is not as significant as the quality of backlinks.

This means that Google (and the other search engines) is trying to find out who is connected to your site. If this site has many organic and reputable external links, their linking gives you more power. But if it is a site from a disreputable source, it may indicate that you are on a link farm. You can (and should) disavow this link so that your site is not damaged.

How to disavow a link considered toxic?

Google’s Disavow Links tool lets you tell Google to ignore specific links for ranking. The technical process is straightforward: you submit a text file containing the link pages or domains you want to disavow through Google Search Console ( GSC ).

  • Navigate to the “Disavow Links” tool page.
  • Select your website.
  • Click Disavow links.
  • Click Select File, and then select the file you created.
  • It may take several weeks for Google to process the imported information. Your list will be integrated into their index when the crawler re-crawls the web, and they reprocess the detected pages of your site.

And if you do something right, Google will know you run a great website and recommend it to users of its search engine. When a website guarantees you a link, Google is more comfortable ensuring for you its users. The better you look, the more easily Google will recommend you.

Advice on the placement and anchor of a backlinks

We recommend that you take the context into account whenever you want to assess the quality of the backlink.

Location of linksĀ 

The links in the content are more valuable than links to footnotes or comments.

It is essential to understand when a high-quality link should be placed. The location of the backlink tells Google whether that link is valuable or not. Search engines then check if the connection is part of the page’s content and conclude its importance to visitors. If you find that backlinks are buried deep in the footer, sidebar, or blog comments, their SEO value is much lower.

Share your content

Distribute your content through social media, a newsletter, and even digital advertising. The main thing is to choose the strategy or the platform that will ensure that most people see it the best. If you’ve aligned your content well with your audience, the message starts to gain momentum with posts and backlinks. This is when like-minded people begin to SEO and share your content while you reap the rewards of SEO.

Request links

Ask other sites with similar or parallel audiences to post links or links to your content. It’s digital public relations. Address sites and posts politely to let them know that your content may be relevant and appreciated by their audience. Encourage these sites and the post to repost and link to your site. Don’t be put off by refusals, and don’t be afraid to offer links on your blog posts, trade links, or free products/services in exchange for links.

As Google strives to improve and fine-tune its algorithms, they distinguish natural links better than spam. If you don’t want the links to hurt your site, but rather for it to help you, you need to roll up your sleeves and look at each backlink as if it decides your reputation.